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Kovo zíma s.r.o.2014

In 2014 we bought a robotic welding machine and Fasti plate shears which can cut material 2 m long and 10 mm thick. Our latest purchase is an Arku straightening bench.robotický svařovací automat, tabulové nůžky Fasti. Ty dokáží při délce 2m řezat materiál o šíři 10mm. Posledním zařízením, které kupujeme je rovnací stolice Arku.


The overall reconstruction of the Úherce workshop is completed in 2012 and we are acquiring new staff. By this time we have 10 permanent employees and also proven temporary workers during high season. We buy new machines and specialize now only in metalworking, including welding, cutting, and bending services.


The turning point for our business came in 2010 when the natural person Jaroslav Zíma - kovovýroba [metalworking] became a company KOVO ZÍMA s.r.o. We keep focusing on the same activities and the new workshop in Úherce is still under reconstruction.


Our business starts growing both in size and importance and by this time we are acquiring relatively extensive orders from domestic as well as foreign companies.


We begin to specialize in the production of steel constructions and car pallets while slowly abandoning tinsmithing and roofing orders. In 1997, we bought the premises of a former farmstead in the village of Úherce with the intention of building specialized workshops for the construction of the mentioned products and a gradual reconstruction of the building was started in the same year.


In 1992, we started our business activities as a natural person under the name Jaroslav Zíma - kovovýroba [metalworking]. At that time, our principal activities were car pallet production, roofing services, and tinsmithery, above all in the Pilsen region.In 1992, we started our business activities as a natural person under the name Jaroslav Zíma - kovovýroba [metalworking]. At that time, our principal activities were car pallet production, roofing services, and tinsmithery, above all in the Pilsen region.